When preparing and submitting electronic artwork on a disk or via e-mail, please observe the following guidelines so that we are able to process your order as efficiently as possible. Our graphics department is set up on a cross-platform Macintosh and Windows network. If you are creating your artwork on either platform, please use one of the preferred software programs listed below to increase the likelihood of a successful output.
When preparing artwork . . .
Our art department can accept files from virtually all professional publishing and graphics software. However, we cannot accept any electronic art that has been created using these programs: Word Perfect, Claris Works, Microsoft Works, Microsoft Word, or Power Point. If you have artwork that was created using one of these programs, please contact us to discuss an alternative solution. Jpegs and Gifs are not acceptable. All artwork must either be saved as grayscale, bitmap or cmyk and at a minimum of 300 dpi. Please send the files in the format they were created in.
Macintosh Platform Programs: